
  1. New Kaiser, a car for under $1200

    New Kaiser, a car for under $1200

    Incredibly cheap car. ( From the Feb. 20, 1950 Life magazine.)

    For years Americans driving their big-slick gas gulpers have been perennially teased with rumors of new, small, efficient cars that would serve for normal driving and still cost less than a matched string of pearls. Most of these have turned out to be pipe dreams or, like Nash's N.X.I. projects for the future. But this week, at the Chicago Automobile Show, drivers will at last get... Read the rest of this article

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  2. Sled Riding

    Sled Riding

    FLYING SAUCERS. (From the Feb. 14, 1955 Life magazine.)

    Few big cities anywhere plunge more whole-heartedly into the pleasures of winter than Minneapolis. Every weekend during the winter some 110,000 Minneapolitans stream into the city's many large parks where there are fine steep slopes for coasting. When the snow is fresh and heavy, small fry by the hundred- and a smattering of nostalgic larger fry deploy over the hills of such popular parks as Powderhorn Lake and Theodore Wirth. They have dozens of sleds, but the...Read the rest of this Life magazine article


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