Rhododendrons - March 10, 1961 Life magazine

Exerpt from March 10, 1961 Life Magazine

Bold Colors, Hardy Growth for Showiest Schrub.

The rhododendron is a shrub that took 50 million years to acquire its present beauty, handsome foliage and clustered flowers that have made it a garden favorite. But until recently the brightest and densest rhododendrons needed a moist, mild climate. Northeastermandinland rhododendrons have mostly been straggly with pale, smallish flowers. Now hybridizers have developed beautiful plants that are hardy in cold climates which such hybrids could never endure before. The two new rhododendrons shown above on the Cascade Mountains of Washington are King of Shrubs a low, wide-spreading bush with orange flowers. and Smoky a tall rhododendron unique in flower color. These will grow in the Northwest, northern California and milder sections of the cast. Four new hybrids that are hardy in all the cast and some inland sections are on following pages. They are spectacular bushes yet tough enough to stand 25° below zero winters. Instructions for planting –early spring is the best time.

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