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Life Magazine, March 1, 1990 - Nadia Comaneci

Life Magazine, March 1, 1990 - Nadia Comaneci

Life Magazine, January 1, 1990 - Year In Pictures

Life Magazine, January 1, 1990 - Year In Pictures

Life Magazine, February 1, 1990 - Czechoslovakia Freedom

Original Life Magazine from February 1, 1990 - Czechoslovakia Freedom
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Grouped product items
Excellent Condition (1 Available)
These issues are extremely nice. These are in amazing condition and are great for framing or giving as a cherished gift. Some may have very minor defects and address labels.
Good Condition (3 Available)
These issues are in pretty good shape. These are great for those who want a complete, original, average condition issue to read and enjoy. They may have some light to moderate flaws like small tears, spots, library stamps etc. but would make a great piece of history for the budget minded to mark any occasion.
Some of the contents in this issue
The birth of freedom in Czechoslovakia. Mount Rushmore's Presidents get a checkup. Dian Fossey's successor learns about gorillas. A lovely photo of Suzanne Farrell, ballerina, taking a bow after her last dance, retirement. A very nice photo of Nancy Merkel and her daughter Mary Merkel just after a minor car accident, Jasper, Indiana. Nice full page color ad for a Star Trek Starship Enterprise model. Charming photo of Jane Hatunen with here foster daughter Felicia, who has AIDS. A full page comment piece about East Coldenham Elementary SAchool, New York and the wall that blew in. Protests caught on film. The cutest baby in America, Andrew Payton Nestler. Surfing's senior citizens, Whitey Harrison, Opai Wert, Doc Paskowitz, Granny LeRoy Grannis, Beardo Vetter, Kathy Kohner, Tubesteak Tracy, Ron Drummond and others. Interview with Exxon Valdez captain Joseph Hazelwood. 30 years ago in LIFE. Movie of civil war, GLORY. Leaning tower of Pisa is shored up. Dian Fossey is dead, but Diane Doran continues her work with gorillas of Rwanda.