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Life Magazine, August 10, 1962 - Janet Leigh

Life Magazine, August 10, 1962 - Janet Leigh

Life Magazine, July 13, 1962 - John F. Kennedy in Mexico

Life Magazine, July 13, 1962 - John F. Kennedy in Mexico

Life Magazine, July 27, 1962 - Elsa Martinelli

Original Life Magazine from July 27, 1962 - Elsa Martinelli
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These issues are extremely nice. These are in amazing condition and are great for framing or giving as a cherished gift. Some may have very minor defects and address labels.
Mint Condition (2 Available)
Good Condition (2 Available)
These issues are in pretty good shape. These are great for those who want a complete, original, average condition issue to read and enjoy. They may have some light to moderate flaws like small tears, spots, library stamps etc. but would make a great piece of history for the budget minded to mark any occasion.
Some of the contents in this issue
Beautiful house of flowers, designer Eszter Haraszty creates flower-patterned furnishings. New kind of camp, so idle boys won't go bad - Youth Opportunity Camp in New York, and warning from prisoner Paul Crump, including Bernie Munoz. Glamorous full page color Gilbey's Vodka ad with woman in big flowery yellow hat. Photo essay - some shape for a ship, Tropic Rover. Photo of Jackie Kennedy waterskiing. Joe Levine, upper movie salesman. Too much baseball for small-fry developing Little League elbow, Bobby Prewitt of Pittsburgh. Brightly colored "tanning masks" with the faces of the Kennedys protect faces of sun bathers. 13-year-old champion jumping horse Snow Man is subject of new MGM film, owned by De Leyers family of Long Island. Fashion - stay-at-home nighties. Dr. Samuel Rosen's Shangri-La, Sudan. Catamaran Tropic Rover cruises through the Bahamas 3 times a month. Funny photo of Bud Porter at Cherry Hills Country Club in Denver. Far-out forms for new churches, Greek Orthodox Church of the Ascension in Oakland, California, Air Force Academy Chapel in Colorado Springs, Colorado, more. Full page color AC spark plug ad with children's toy blocks. Full page Maytag ad with the Ray Crookston family and 15 kids.
Tips from the new Europe on recovery
Western Europe (Economic policy), United States (Economic conditions)
Doctor Rosen's Shangri-la
Samuel ROSEN, Deafness, Sudan (Indigenous peoples)
Life guide
Help before it's too late
Juvenile delinquents and delinquency (Prevention), Opportunity camps
Facing death, a new life perhaps too late
Paul Crump; 1930-2002, Jack JOHNSON, Prisons (Illinois)
House furnished with flowers
Eszter Haraszty; d. 1994, Cut flowers, Houses (Interior decoration)
Old jumper's jackpot
Stay-at-home nighties
Some shape for a ship
Far-out forms for new churches
Churches (Buildings)
Little league elbow