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Life Magazine, May 14, 1951 - Senator Blair Moody

Life Magazine, May 14, 1951 - Senator Blair Moody

Life Magazine, February 26, 1951 - Debbie Reynolds

Life Magazine, February 26, 1951 - Debbie Reynolds

Life Magazine, March 19, 1951 - Navy couple

Original Life Magazine from March 19, 1951 - Navy couple
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Excellent Condition Out of stock

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These issues are extremely nice. These are in amazing condition and are great for framing or giving as a cherished gift. Some may have very minor defects and address labels.
Good Condition (3 Available)
These issues are in pretty good shape. These are great for those who want a complete, original, average condition issue to read and enjoy. They may have some light to moderate flaws like small tears, spots, library stamps etc. but would make a great piece of history for the budget minded to mark any occasion.
Some of the contents in this issue
Nice full page movie poster ad for Valentino starring Anthony Dexter and Eleanor Parker. Marines come home from the front, including photos of Roberts R. Hale, Thomas Hall, Okey Douglas, mother of Edward Leneve, Francis Donohoe, Eunice Whittear, Irving Stone. Really neat full page color Old Sunny Brook whiskey ad with cowboy, style of art makes me think of Leyendecker, but is unsigned. Truman becomes Key West's top tourist, Florida. Senator Virgil Chapman is killed in car crash, a sad photo. State of Michigan dries its books after fire and water damage at State library in Lansing. Photo essay - Willa Cather country. Close-up - Michael Disalle. Truck company 26, New York city fire fighters, including photos of ladder truck, Bill McGowan, Earl Hope, Charley Steinhauser, Michael McAuley. Architecture - the round house for Albert Ford family by Bruce Goff (Frank Lloyd Wright considered him creative). Pier Angeli, a new star, plays Teresa. Rebirth of Battleship BB 64 = USS Wisconsin. $1 fee turns up a $100,000 find - Mrs. Verner Alexanderson and six letters written by Lincoln's wife. Rosemary Williamson and Sidney J. Levy. Washington state's Elk in Yakima valley get food. Louis Bosa Paints a family reunion in Italy. Cute story about the couple Ralph and Betty Sluis. Full page color Canadian Club whiskey ad with mountain climbing theme. Full page color Whitman's chocolate sampler, art by Sheilah Beckett. Full page Robt. Burns cigarillo ad with the Wangers, art by Russell Gale.
Speaking of pictures
How to win friends
Walter Lee DUNHAM, Reconstruction Finance Corporation
Marines come home from the front
United States Marine Corps, Servicemen
Calling all hermits! McCarran act
Immigration and emigration
Who, me?
Price regulation by government
Round house
Bruce Goff; 1904-1982, Houses (Illinois), Architecture, Modern, Buildings, Round
New star from Italy
Pier Angeli; 1932-1971
Man with his bag packed
Michael V. DiSalle; 1908-1981, Ernest Havemann; 1912-1995
Rebirth of BB 64
This is male charm?
Life salutes men of La Prensa
Newspapers (Argentina)
Key West's top tourist
Harry S. Truman; 1884-1972, Key West (Fla.)
The creep and the doll
Sidney J. Levy, Rosemary WILLIAMSON
Book drying in Michigan
Elk get handout, Yakima valley
Champion cocktails
Beverages, UNITED KINGDOM bartenders guild
Willa Cather country
Willa Cather; 1873-1947, Frontier and pioneer life, Nebraska
$1 fee turns up a $100,000 find
Sigmund I. ROTHSCHILD, Antiques (Prices)
Truck company 26
New York (N.Y.) Firefighters
Outranked wife
Mrs Ralph Sluis SLUIS, Ralph SLUIS, UNITED STATESNaval air station, Jacksonville (Fla.)
Life follows an artist home to Italy
Louis BOSA