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Life Magazine, October 13, 1941 - Turner and Gable

Life Magazine, October 13, 1941 - Turner and Gable

Life Magazine, September 29, 1941 - Radio Quiz Kid Gerald Darrow

Life Magazine, September 29, 1941 - Radio Quiz Kid Gerald Darrow

Life Magazine, October 6, 1941 - Farmer's daughter

Original Life Magazine from October 6, 1941 - Farmer's daughter
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Excellent Condition Out of stock

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These issues are extremely nice. These are in amazing condition and are great for framing or giving as a cherished gift. Some may have very minor defects and address labels.
Good Condition Out of stock

Out of stock

These issues are in pretty good shape. These are great for those who want a complete, original, average condition issue to read and enjoy. They may have some light to moderate flaws like small tears, spots, library stamps etc. but would make a great piece of history for the budget minded to mark any occasion.
Some of the contents in this issue
Very nice full page color FTD florists ad. Way cool full page color Ford ad with maroon car. Big Louisiana maneuvers test US Army. Dog named Lady Fair makes baseball season's most wonderful catch. Three killed as freight engine crashes into fast Pacific Flyer. Norway fights on. Photo essay - South Dakota. Photo essay - Women's prison, New York's Westfield State Farm. Close-up - British Air Chief Marshal Sir Charles Portal. Stanford's success brings T-formation play into wide use. Dick Dunkel's football forecast. Early diagnosis can curb glaucoma. Fall Hats. Books - the G-string murders. Cartoons : Oliver Airedale's ordeal. The Burma road. Life goes to a wedding of Helen Janet Johnson and Edward George Johnson at the Church of Heavenly Rest in Manhattan. Very nice full page color Libbey Owens Ford glass ad.
Oliver Airedale's ordeal
World War, 1939-1945 (Humor, satire, etc)
Ex-taxi driver checks up on the famous Burma road
Burma Road (China and Myanmar)
Big maneuvers test U.S. army
Military maneuvers
Norway fights on in invisible war
Norway (History, German occupation, 1940-1945)
Stanford success brings T-formation play back into wide football use
Portraits of George Bellows' daughter
Jean BELLOWS, Portrait painting
Women's prison: modern methods make confinement constructive at New York's Westfield state farm
Prisons (New York (State)), Women prisoners
Henrietta Silvis Additon; b. 1887
Hold back the dawn
Motion picture reviews (Single works)
South Dakota: its boundless plains are the heart of a continent
South Dakota
Dick Dunkel's 1941 football forecast
Dick DUNKEL, Football
William Lowe Bryan; 1860-.
Letter to Dr Bryan asking for solid American front
NATIONAL unity, World War, 1939-1945 (United States)
Early diagnosis can curb biggest enemy of eyesight
Farmers fiercely love their sun-drenched land
Agriculture (South Dakota)
G-string murders
Gypsy Rose LEE (originally Rose Louise Hovick), Detective and mystery stories
Portal: Britain's chief of air staff
Charles Frederick Algernon PORTAL, Great Britain Royal Air Force
Life goes to a wedding rehearsal, attends the formal church ceremony, the reception and festivities afterward
Weddings, United States (Social life and customs)